Cutting-edge research and technology development undertaken aboard Falkor led to 1,062 news stories in 2018, including six magazine covers as well as articles in National Geographic, Wired, Scientific American, ECO Magazine, and Nature, just to name a few. SOI’s breathtaking footage from the Pescadero Basin and Costa Rica was used by BBC, The Weather Channel, Discovery Channel Canada, and NHK. Video footage from ROV SuBastian was showcased at the Berlin Atonal Festival and the International Ocean Film Tour, and has been requested for 38 upcoming education films, documentaries, and exhibits including an IMAX museum film on volcanoes, a documentary for PBS Nature on underwater volcanoes, and a natural history documentary for BBC. Additionally, expedition images (from both above and below the ocean’s surface) have been used recently in a National Geographic book for kids, a report on deep sea mining by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and in the 2019 Encyclopedia of Ocean Science.